Activity Review - Walkative Krakow Tour

As we previously mentioned, one of our favorite activities are free walking tours! Not only do we obtain the local’s knowledge of the city, but we also gain our bearings to help us in the future!

In Krakow, there are many walking tours available. On TripAdvisor, we decided on Walkative Walking Tour, which meets three times a day and has many great ratings! They meet near Florian’s Gate and the Barbican. 

Krakow History

Our guide Louis (I think!) began the 12pm tour by describing the lengthy Krakow history. Despite the lack of data and information, Krakow is actually one of the oldest cities in Poland. Because the Slavs were too busy with potatoes, farms, and vodka, they didn’t bother to write the information down! Until the 1900s, Krakow was the capital of the Poland and still is the cultural and historical capital. 

Then, in the 1300s, they found Christianity and that really helped document their history! Now, I stopped keeping track of the various medieval kings and wars and focused on one fact: there was a lot of war, partially due to their powerful status in the medieval ages and to protect themselves.

Between their friendly neighbors of Russia, Prussia, and Austria, they had to fed for themselves! Things were going really well with the Lithuania-Polish Commonwealth until 1795 when those friendly neighbors decided they had enough of Poland and the country ceased to exist on the map. 

Fun Fact: The Polish flag represents sacrifice (red) and purity (white). 

Biggest, Oldest Market Square

MF and the market

Because they want a claim to fame, the main market square is the biggest oldest market square in the world. Whilst there are bigger squares in the world, they aren’t as old as Krakow. Hence how the title is firmly in Krakow’s hands! I do have to say it is a massive square because you lose perspective with the cloth market.

With the cloth market, the building dates back to the 1200s. Throughout the ages, people have added on various architecture styles so now it is a mix of history! The market doesn’t sell as much cloth these days as it is mostly random souvenirs and jewelry. 

By far, the most beautiful beautiful in the square is the cathedral. Besides the wonderful architecture and postcard perfect pictures, on the hour, a bugler sounds the alarm in accordance with ancient tradition. Back in the day, a bugler sounded the alarm to save the city, thus the city maintains the tradition today. 

Krakow University

Our next stop was Krakow University, founded back in 1364. Similar to the main market, they found a claim to fame here. The university is the second oldest in Central Europe, behind the famous Charles University in Prague. 
It is a beautiful campus that now spreads throughout the lower half of Old Town. However, it does have one true claim to fame…

The Pope

John Paul II

In the 1978, a historical event occurred in a southern country when they elected a Polish pope - John Paul II. Studying at Krakow University, he originally was studying the Polish language before switching to theology. Since that day, the world has never been the same!

In the 1980s, he was well known for speaking against the Polish government, therefore the USSR, and Communism. The pope had a profound effect on the people and is often credited for jumpstarting the movement in Poland to overthrow the government. As seen throughout the city, he is beloved by the people and has left his legacy here!

Wawel Castle

Sitting on top of a massive hill or “mountain” is the Wawel Castle, or royal castle, in English! As Krakow was the Polish seat of power for generations, everything and everyone is within the castle and its surrounding buildings and churches. 

Castle Courtyard

By far, one of the most beautiful courtyards and castles is here in Krakow. Dating back to when Poland was a mighty power, the castle has beautiful white marble floors and a great Italian flair to it. Because Krakow was a trading crossroads, they hired an Italian architect to design it. Only, compared to sunny Tuscany, they had to add a few different unique Polish quirks! First, the roof has to be slated because of all the snow. Next, they had to extend and raise the floor levels to allow more sunlight in the dark winters. Regardless, the Polish castle is amazing!

Castle Church

Within the church, all but one king is buried here amongst other important Polish dignitaries. Because each one of them wanted to show off compared to the next or last one, they each built magnificent tombs and structures. In the end, the church within the Wawel castle contains every type of beautiful architecture dating back to the medieval Gothic period! Thus, for free, you can go back to architecture school!

Travel Tip: The views inside the church are free, but any special tombs or exhibits cost money.

More importantly, there are free views outside the church and castle of the city! From the courtyard, you can see the Jewish district and surrounding city. It was beautiful! 

View from the church

The UnChartered Summary

  • This walking tour was particularly useful as they handed out free tips on local restaurants and bars throughout the city. See the below pictures!
  • As the historic capital of Poland, the original buildings are incredibly beautiful. It is refreshing to see intact buildings from Poland’s history!
  • For a 2.5 hour tour, we certainly saw all the major sights of Krakow. They also offer tours of Schlinder’s Factory, Jewish Quarter, and other areas!


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